Friday, July 31, 2009

and baby makes twee -

And baby makes twee

Other couples Twitter together. When his wife went into labor in South Florida last month, J.D. Andrews (@earthXplorer) started Twittering while wife Katherine started texting. Thousands followed their progress, offering advice and name suggestions. His wife was just as keen to know what people were tweeting as he.

"I got bored just sitting there, so I documented the day on Twitter, giving updates all the way until naming (the baby) and creating her very own Twitter account," Andrews says.

After she was born, he took baby Elizabeth's picture and sent that out, too. "Our families couldn't be there, so our Twitter family was cheering us on," he says.

People ask about my lil one and the Twitter connection - here is the USATODAY article... :)

Posted via web from earthXplorer's posterous

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