Toshiba to showcase "world's smallest HDTV camera" at NAB
Granted, Toshiba Imaging's IK-HD1 3CCD HDTV Camera may not matter much to the consumer as-is, but we're all about the
progress. Ready to make its grand, er, wee entrance at NAB Show later this month, the aforementioned unit touts the planet's "smallest" HD camera head (1.6-inches; 2.3-ounces), which should give program producers in tight spots one less reason to not capture content in high-def. In that vein, Tosh even notes that its ability to capture at 1,920 x 1,080 at 30fps makes it "highly suitable for reality TV (you
getting this, producers?), specialty broadcast, sports, news and commercials." We know, this totally opens the door for an HD version of
Punk'd, but hey, you can't win 'em all.
Engadget Spanish]
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