Thursday, June 7, 2012


Here we go again...



It was almost two years ago that I wrote this post, July 6 2010 to be exact - Asking a simple question:

Companies on Twitter ~ are they hurting or helping business?

I've been on the Twitters since July 9th 2007 (early adopter I.E. Nerd Boy) back then there were just a few companies using it and even fewer celebrities. So of course I would follow companies I liked and always hoped they would follow me back, like @crocs.

Why would I think they'd they follow me back? I'm not a celebrity. Well...I'm their customer! I'm the guy that spends his hard earned money on their products, and since I like their products so much, I follow them on social media. Not only do I like their rubber shoes, I like them so much that I post photos of them, yes, photos of Crocs! (Here & Here)

I know companies have marketing departments that decide their "social media strategy" and maybe that includes Following and then UnFollowing lots of twitter accounts making it seem they are more popular than they really are (I've seen a lot of this lately) or maybe they just want to follow celebrities...I'm sure they're all very loyal petroleum-derived foam shoe fans.

I just haven't seen any Croc pics from Oprah......yet.


(Celebs are all that @Nike Follows)

I'm no business expert but I believe smart companies would love that direct link to their customers and know immediately what they think about them and their products. They could just ask...

Or they can always pay another company to conduct focus groups, gather data and do presentations...that sounds fun too.

Why ask Why?

Well the beauty of Twitter is - There are NO rules, it is what you make it.

So instead of asking why a company wouldn't want to follow their loyal customers - start asking what company wants a new loyal customer...

"If you don't take care of your customers, someone else will" ~jda

This is all IMHO (In my humble opinion)

Rant <over> :-)




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